The Art of making Colloidal Silver

Would you like to make your colloidal silver?

Three factors will determine the quality of the colloidal silver that you make. The first is the water that you use. It must be distilled to a high degree of purity. You must check that the water you are using is pure enough. The purified water in grocery stores in 1-gallon containers will generally be good enough. You will still need some way to check it. That can be done with a conductivity meter or by some method included in the design and function of whatever generator we use.

The second factor is the purity of the silver that we use. We want silver ions and preferably no other metals. We want to make a solution containing silver ions, as they have proven to benefit significantly. Many different metals can do us great harm. We must take every precaution to avoid taking toxic metals into our bodies. That is why we use only 9999 silver wire and insist on a certificate of analysis showing the present impurities. In the case of the highest quality silver, the most significant contamination will be copper, which is okay in small amounts. That will be the case with silver, which comes directly from silver ore. Buying silver without an assay certificate could contain scraps from manufacturing facilities that alloy silver with other metals. So it’s not just a matter of 9999, but what is the nature of the additional .01%? When we make colloidal silver, the result is a liquid solution with silver in parts per million (PPM). It makes no sense to try to economize on this. If we consider making colloidal silver at a strength of 10 PPM, 1 ounce of silver wire could theoretically make 100,000 ounces or 1500 gallons of colloidal silver.

The third factor is the amount of time that we allow the process. Hydrogen will appear at the cathode (the negatively charged electrode, where electrons enter the water), and oxygen will appear at the anode (the positively charged electrode). In the days of the 3 9 V battery and silver coins method, we would wait until we saw a cloud. We were told that pieces of silver had formed in the water and stopped the process soon after. In reality, the cloud was created by hydrogen and oxygen microbubbles, meaning the process was a runaway. If you were lucky, disconnecting the batteries at that point could get you a five-PM colloidal silver solution. It would only keep its strength briefly as the larger particles quickly collide with and absorb the silver ions. A few of us promoted using current limitations to prevent the runaway condition. Some of us noted that the higher our resistance, the better results we obtained in higher PPM and stability. Many of us tried every conceivable method of stirring to allow the use of a higher current to speed up the process. All of my efforts in this direction failed. I could not understand that only a certain amount of current was allowed for the silver anode’s surface area. There is a region surrounding the anode called the Nernst diffusion area. That region will only allow a specific density of ions to exist before they agglomerate into larger particles. So, for those with your setups for making colloidal silver, try reducing the current and allowing more time, and let us know the results.

A famous man, I don’t remember who exactly, was heard to say, “If you can brag without lying, go ahead and brag.”

What I will tell you about the colloidal silver generator I designed might be taken as bragging. It allows you to learn the real advantages of this new technology. Great strides have been made in the past 50 years in the acceptance, including that of the medical community, of using silver as medicine. Silver is a very potent antimicrobial element. It is the only antimicrobial element for which vertebrates have a high tolerance level.

It is now accepted that single atoms of silver, with a positive charge caused by the loss of one electron, are the most effective form of silver. Small particles of silver can also be effective. Silver is so effective as an antimicrobial that even a thin coating or inclusion of silver particles in paint can be somewhat ineffective in limiting the growth of microbes. You probably already know all that, or you would not be looking into purchasing an automatic colloidal silver generator.

When judging a colloidal silver generator, you must know some things about it.

What does a person want in the way of a colloidal silver generator? Before we answer that, we have to examine how that person got to the point where they wanted to make colloidal silver. No one starts their colloidal silver Journey by deciding they like to make this stuff. Colloidal silver itself had to be needed. The person had to be suffering from some ailment or irritation. They had to be at the point where they were willing to try using something besides what was prescribed by the medical establishment. The medical establishment would have to have failed them. In my case, and the possibility of many others, it was repeated sinus infections that had failed to be corrected by allopathic medicine. I had gone the whole route of ear nose and throat specialist, ear nose and throat surgery, and allergists. And nothing prevented recurring sinusitis. I tried colloidal silver in desperation. Like most people, I looked at alternative medicine as being in the domain of snake oil salespeople and people with a belief system that rendered them susceptible to those salesmen. I finally bought a bottle of colloidal silver for $80 for 8 oz and proceeded to flood my sinus cavities with it. It brought me Immediate relief and has continued to do so. Nothing else had worked. I became a believer. Now, I’m the sort of person that just doesn’t know when to quit. I have a big enough ego not to understand my intellectual limits. I don’t know when to stop. I decided to research The subject thoroughly. Most of the literature available on the issue was in chemistry. My knowledge of chemistry needs to be improved. That proved to be an advantage. The chemical fraternity had in the past believed in certain limits regarding the degree of proportions of silver in a solution of water. It was common knowledge that 25 parts per million was the limit of solubility for silver in water in pure water. It was necessary to coat the silver particles with a substance with positive buoyancy, i.e., a tendency to float to keep the silver particles in the solution above the 25 PPM density. That was done using various techniques, but the positive charge was removed from the particles, which are ions. Unfortunately, the silver only became effective once the coating was digested. The silver particle met with oxygen atoms, which were combined with oxygen atoms to make silver oxide. In this process, silver ions would be produced, which would be an active part of killing the microbes causing health problems. Lacking competence in the chemical Realm, I investigated the process of making colloidal silver electronically. The final Authority in the electrolysis process is a historical figure, Michael Faraday. He wrote the rules of electrolysis. I began researching the process in depth. That had never been done as the chemists ruled the area and were accepted as authorities because the medical community was much more comfortable with chemistry than electricity. Chemists and electronics people should talk to each other more. That is changing because of increasing work on battery Technology, but there is still a way to go.

I had a resource in this journey that was of great use. It was still the early days of the internet, but valuable work was being done on user groups using net groups. The one that I was on was scientific alt scientific electrical engineering design. I started A conversation about colloidal silver. At this time, the subject was immediately trashed by the blue man. This stuff would turn you blue if you were stupid enough to use it. Of course, what they were talking about was silver nitrate. That is what people were calling colloidal silver. Well, okay, it is silver, and it is colloidal. It’s silver and in solution, so it’s colloidal silver. That’s the problem.

There’s a lot of stuff that manufacturers can call colloidal silver. That’s why we should change the name of what we will try to make. We want to create the silver ion effectively without any substance other than water. We can tell whether or not it’s the smallest particle we want By the simple fact that it will be clear. Particles larger than 20 NM will start to interfere with the blue part of the spectrum, making the solution yellow or amber. Some still think it’s colloidal silver only if it is Amber because that’s all they know how to make. It so happens that the exact opposite is true. It’s easy to understand that for a given volume of water, there would be proportionately more particles of a smaller radius than a larger radius. Is this not just common sense? Is it also common sense that tells us that the more particles, the better the chance they have of contacting a microbe that we want to kill? I’m not going to belabor this point. It should be obvious and will be again if you have come this far. To illustrate this, I have gone into greater detail on “The Art of making Colloidal Silver.” 

Being clear indicates a superior colloidal silver with more and smaller particles. Any color suggests that the particles have combined, resulting in fewer particles and a less effective solution. Now, how do we achieve this as far as the making of it is concerned? We need some way to stop this Runaway phenomenon. Better yet, prevent it from starting. How do we do this? We limit the amount of current. How do we do this?

We use what’s called a resistor. A resistor resists the current flow.; it works like a faucet valve for water flow. There is a Formula called Ohm’s law. It states that for a given difference of potential in volts, the current will equal the number of volts divided by the number of ohms. Let’s say, for example, that we want to keep a very low current, one milliamp. Let’s say we have a 30-volt power supply. What resistor value do we need to achieve this 30 /30,000 or in the way we call resistors 30k?

To begin the process, if we use pure distilled water, which we must, it won’t be one milliamp. Pure distilled water has a relatively High Resistance and low conductivity. In the beginning, the current will be much lower than one milliamp and will only gradually increase. That is because if the water is distilled. It will have a relatively High Resistance and low conductivity. That adds to the total resistance in the circuit, so if the water has a resistance of 30,000 and the resistor is 30k, it will have a total of 60k. Therefore, with a current of only one-half of 1 milliamp 500 microamps, you can watch the current gradually increase if a millimeter is inserted in a series in the circuit. That is good to do, and it is why, in our starter kit, we included a multimeter to enable you to do just this and watch the progress. The resistance of the water can be varied by moving the silver closer together. That will decrease the resistance. With a certain amount of experimentation for your particular setup, including the pieces of silver in your container, you will devise a method for a consistent result. You will be able to produce 10 PPM colloidal silver clear repeatedly. That is as good or better as you can buy anywhere at any shop or by mail. You will be satisfied knowing you have a valuable resource for your health. You don’t have to believe that anyone has made it correctly.

So now, let’s talk about what you do not want in a colloidal silver generator. The first thing that comes to mind is a fish tank bubbler. This technique came along and was promoted by a guy on the internet who claimed to be a “retired oncologist” but was revealed to be a complete phony and ended up doing jail time. In a previous post, I explained the reason we had to set a limit to the amount of current and, therefore, the rate and size of particles that we took from the anode. That is because there’s only so much space to accommodate the particles as they leave the anode surface. If we don’t allow enough, they collide and get larger, and we want small ones. This retired oncologist needed to learn more about Electronics to realize he could do this with a resistor. So, he proposed introducing a stream of air bubbles to constantly interrupt the current flow between the anode and cathode. That did prevent the “runaway condition” that we mentioned. When people were using the 3 9 volt batteries method, they would keep looking at the process and wait until they saw the cloud appear. At this point, they were supposed to stop the process.

Leaving it any longer than this would result in massive particles, large enough to cause some cases of argyria. Now, we have to acknowledge that this method did produce colloidal silver. It was less than 5 PPM and had larger particles than we desired, but it was still colloidal silver. Silver is such an effective disinfectant antimicrobial that even when produced in this crude manner, it undoubtedly saved many lives and relieved people with problems like sinusitis. Colloidal silver Made with this method also needed to be used soon after making it as it was inherently unstable, and the particles would quickly agglomerate and fall to the bottom of the container. That always produced a yellow hue, but those recommending the method would insist that that Color was standard. The bubbler systems did provide an improvement over the three nine methods. Many thousands of colloidal silver generators have been sold, which are simply 3-9V systems with the addition of a cheap aquarium bubbler. A lot of money was made. Some very well-designed websites sell these systems with an incredible number of “true stories with pictures” of “Miracle cures.” Pay $300 for $30 worth of parts. That’s free enterprise.

The people who sell you a bubbler system will tell you that colloidal silver should be yellow. The darker, the better. It so happens that the exact opposite is true. It’s easy to understand that there will be proportionately more particles of a smaller size than a larger one for a given volume of water. Is this not just common sense? Is it also not common sense that tells us that the more particles, the better chance they have of contacting a microbe that we want to kill? So, we come to a flat statement when you look at colloidal silver: clear indicates a superior colloidal silver with more and smaller particles. Any color shows that the combined particles result in far fewer particles and a less effective solution. Now, how do we achieve this as far as the making of it is concerned? We need some way to stop this Runaway phenomenon. Better yet, prevent it from starting. How do we do this? We limit the amount of current. How do we do this?

We use what’s called a resistor. A resistor resists the current flow; it works like a faucet valve for water flow. There is a Formula called Ohm’s law, which states that for a given difference of potential (volts), the current (milliamps) will equal the number of volts divided by the number of ohms. Let’s say we want to keep a very low current. One milliamp, let’s say we have a 30-volt power supply. What resistor value do we need to achieve this 30 /30,000 or in the way we call resistors 30k? To begin the process, if we use pure distilled water, which we must use, it won’t be one milliamp to start with sterile distilled water, which has a relatively high resistance and low conductivity. The current will be much lower than one milliamp and will only gradually increase. If distilled, the water will have a relatively High Resistance and low conductivity. That adds to the total resistance in the circuit, so if the water has a resistance of 30,000 and the resistor is 30k, it will have a total of 60k; therefore, a current of only one-half of 1 milliamp 500 or microamps. The current gradually increases if a millimeter is inserted in series in the circuit. That is why, in our starter kit, we included a multimeter to enable you to do just this and watch the progress of the resistance of the water by moving the silver closer together. That will decrease the resistance with experimentation for your particular setup, silver pieces, and container. With a certain amount of experimentation, you will devise a method for a consistent result. You should be able to produce 10 PPM colloidal silver clear repeatedly. That is as good or better as you can buy anywhere at any shop or by mail. You will be satisfied knowing that you have a valuable resource for your health. You don’t have to believe that anyone has made it correctly.