
Zarathushtra: "With an open mind, seek and listen to all the highest ideals. Consider the most enlightened thoughts. Then choose your path, person by person, each for oneself."

Argyria is the graying of the skin. Colloidal silver can be produced either chemically or electrically. Argyria is a result of ingesting high doses of chemically produced colloidal silver. There has never been a case of Argyria caused by electrically produced colloidal silver.
Electrically produced silver colloid is completely safe and does not cause Argyria. For decades, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have been using electrically produced colloidal silver without any issues. The concern about Argyria is with silver salts, not colloidal silver.
Colloidal silver has a rich history of use, particularly in the early 1900s. Scientists at that time discovered that chemically combining the silver colloid with a protein could enhance its digestion and produce it in higher concentrations. However, this chemical production method led to the development of Argyria.
That led to silver nitrate and silver salts. Before the early 1900s, there had never been any adverse side effects from ingesting silver, so testing its toxicity was not a big concern. But before the toxicity was tested, doctors had already begun using it on their patients.
It’s now understood that high doses of silver nitrate and other silver salts can be toxic. The accumulation of undissolved silver particles in the body’s tissues leads to Argyria, a condition characterized by cosmetic bluing or skin graying. That underscores the importance of distinguishing between silver salts and colloidal silver.
EPA and CDC Conclusion
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Poison Control Center has not listed Colloidal Silver as toxic, confirming its safety. Dr. Samuel Etris, a senior consultant at the Silver Institute, has stated that there have never been any allergenic, toxic, or carcinogenic reactions to colloidal silver. The U.S. Government’s Center for Disease Control (CDC) further confirmed this in 1995, solidifying the safety of colloidal silver.
However, all silver salts are identified as toxic, although the only adverse effect noted is Argyria. Therefore, the concern is with silver salts, not colloidal silver.
In the case of an improperly prepared silver colloid, even though produced by electrolysis, compounds such as silver oxide, silver chloride, silver nitrate, etc., may be made, which have been recorded as having side effects detrimental to health.
Clear ionic silver has no side effects, and true colloidal silver does not harm the essential bacteria in our intestinal tract.
Colloidal silver should not be used with intravenous EDTA chelation, as silver is a metal, and EDTA works by absorbing and removing metals from the blood. For this reason, the two work in opposition to each other.
Colloidal silver is non-toxic, non-addictive, and has no side effects. The body develops no tolerance to colloidal silver, and one cannot overdose.
Colloidal silver cannot cause harm to the liver, kidneys, or any other organ in the body.
Do not use colloidal silver if you are allergic to silver. If your skin reacts to silver when you wear silver jewelry, such as breaking out in a rash, you are most likely allergic to silver.
Colloidal silver is odorless, harmless to the eyes, contains no free radicals, is harmless to human enzymes, and does not react with other medications. It improves digestion, aids in regenerating damaged cells and tissues, strengthens the immune system, and helps prevent colds, flu, and all other diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. Colloidal silver is the strongest, safest broad-spectrum antibiotic known today.